
Mahmoud Ramadan

Mahmoud is a strategic planning and design processes facilitator with expertise in collaborative leadership development, building social energy and community mobilization. Mahmoud currently lives in Brussels and manages his consultancy PLAYMAKER, which develops common spaces about re-development, peace building and community capital with/without geography. He is also co-founder of Syria Initiative (part of Common Space Initiative) in Beirut that aims to empower local peace builder networks.

Julia Broska

Julia is an humanitarian and development practitioner and works as an Advisor for GIZ Afghanistan (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), supporting internally displaced Afghans in their realization of their rights to shelter, basic services and livelihoods. Her main interests lie in maximizing the impact of aid by leveraging systems thinking approaches and moving the participatory revolution forward.

As a Governing Member of the International Association of Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection, Julia promotes collaboration, knowledge exchange and debate on a broad range of humanitarian topics and trends beyond organisational affiliations. 

Julia joined the IARAN fellowship because she wants to contribute to IARAN’s vision of an equitable and connected aid ecosystem. She wants to continue learning about, and sharing her knowledge of strategic foresight methodologies and approaches for the benefit of the people the humanitarian sector aims to assist. 

Luana Moussallem

Medical doctor in Brazil for 20 years, Luana is experienced in multidisciplinary teams coordination, risk management processes, continuous education and health and nutritional fields projects. Also interested in and involved with political and community related issues and grassroots movements. In Europe since 2018, Luana engaged in a new journey oriented towards humanitarian and cooperative initiatives on a global and local level, related to public health, nutrition, food security and education. For Luana the IARAN is a space of collaborative intelligence among humanitarians sharing a common vision on the transformations to come; it is a space of hope, trust and intelligence where to boost innovative projects for local leadership, multicultural cooperation and strategic thinking: "Research and collaborative networks are very important tools to construct and make happen a more developed, connected, respectful and free world".

Leonie Le Borgne

Leonie works as a Technical Advisor in the Anticipation team of the Start Network which forecasts, funds, and mitigates predictable disasters around the world. Leonie's role centres on growing networks of pre-emptive thinkers at national, regional and global levels.

Leonie joined the IARAN fellowship because she believes that if we join forces from across the humanitarian sector and beyond, integrating new perspectives and thinking long-term, we can change it for the better.

Francois Bourse

François is is the Director of studies at Futuribles, a Paris based international, independent, private non-profit organization network on future studies that we have worked with in the past. He is also an Associate Professor at Cnam, a member of the innovation teaching team, the Research Chair of prospective and sustainable development.

Eilidh Kennedy

Eilidh is a strategic foresight professional, with an expertise in future studies. Former Chief Analyst at Save the Children International and at Action Against Hunger, she is Associate Research Fellow at the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS). She has published numerous papers and, teaches courses on analysis, scenario development and the humanitarian system.

Having led a pool of regional analysts in Save the Children International and Action Against Hunger, Eilidh founded and directs the Interagency Research and Analysis Network consultancy branch. Today, Eilidh leads a number of foresight studies for the IARAN, and when she is not busy with research projects and strategy support, Eilidh designs ad hoc training courses for foresighters and analysts.

You can see some of Eilidh’s ideas and work on the ALNAP 2021 Annual Meeting, which explored the challenges posed by uncertainty and the ways in which humanitarians can better equip themselves to respond within this context.

Michel Maietta

Michel is a strategic foresight professional with two decades of experience in the humanitarian and development sector. With a rich background as the former Director of Strategy at Save the Children International and Action Against Hunger, he now spearheads the Inter-Agency Research and Analysis Network (IARAN).

Michel's passion for education shines through in his decade-long commitment to designing and delivering cutting-edge training courses for humanitarian and development leaders. He shares his expertise at renowned institutions such as Science Po, Paris-Saclay, Deakin, and Federico II Universities, as well as at the Futuribles and IRIS Think Tanks. In addition, Michel serves as the Chair of the Ukraine Emergency Committee at the Fondation de France.

When he's not crafting bespoke foresight projects, Michel is at the helm of strategic and transformational initiatives, driving impactful change in the sector.